2024 Starts like 2023 ended: Slowly

Well, i once again find myself saying “it has been a while”. Such is life I guess.

2024 has been to a slow start, but thankfully some interesting visitors burned some rubber on the runway here in Curacao.

First was Allegiant Air, sending an Airbus A320 on the first of a series of special charter flights. A few days later, Copa Airlines sent us their “Breast cancer awareness” livery Boeing 737 Max 9 for the first time.

I can also report my first “miss” of the year, having been away for work when Copa airlines sent their “Panama Live for more'“ livery Max 9.

Live has been busy between work and cycling. I’m looking forward to putting a major work project behind me and putting some more effort behind aviation photography once again.

(Click on an image to enlarge)


Cargo charter!


New jetBlue!