End-of-year Stratotanker

POTUS-related movements once again. On December 23rd, Curaçao received another USAF visitor in the form of a KC-135R Stratotanker.

Using the callsign WOODN 71, serial 63-8003, arrived from Rickenbacker ANGB in Ohio having provided tanker support to 4 F-16s (FEUD 21 flight from the 112th Fighter Squadron “Stingers” / 180th Fighter Wing, Ohio ANG) deploying to St-Croix. The fighters, along with a second KC-135R (serial 60-0367, callsign WOODN 72) are part of security measures for President Biden’s Holiday visit to the US Virgin Islands. I was hoping that the second KC-135R would also find its way to Curaçao, as the jet has a bit of a nice paint scheme.

Both KC-135Rs are assigned to the Ohio Air National Guard’s 121st Air Refueling Wing.

(Click on an image to enlarge)


Flying the flag in 2025 !


Colombian endzone