Frisian Flag 2022


We don’t get fighter jets in Curaçao, so it was great to get the chance to spend the day shooting at a major European exercise.

Despite the forecasted horrible weather, I decided to drive to the RNLAF base in Leeuwarden and hope something would fly. I was the first to arrive and things were not looking good. Despite the assurances of one of the friendly parking volunteers, the lack of a crowd was a bit concerning.

After much waiting, the familiar sound of APUs and jet noise began to fill the air. More spotters arrived and the food truck had finally opened serving hot coffee. It was not too long until a pair of RNLAF F-16s came out of the shelter area. In addition, Canadian CF-18s, American F-16s, Dutch F-35s, French Mirage 2000Ds, and Italian EF-2000s also flew.

After the last jet departed, I retreated to my car for a much needed break from the cold and wet weather. Surprisingly quickly, it was time to run around the parking lot in an attempt to vary the angle of my photograph as the jets flew by on final for the runway.

Later, after more rain and the occasional snowflake, 4 RNLAF F-16s taxied to the holding point. A few minutes later, they turned around and returned to the shelters. The afternoon launch had just been canceled, and with it, my hopes of photographing the French Rafales and Italian Tornados.

Feeling happy with having been able to be there, even for a half-day, I packed up my gear and returned to Amsterdam.

(Click on an image to enlarge)


Chasing specials in Brussels!


Amsterdam Schiphol