They just keep coming here in Amsterdam!

I’ve been in Amsterdam for a few weeks now, and I can say that I have not taken a break. Every day there has been multiple planes worth photographing. So much so, that I have hardly had time to catch up with editing.

Schiphol is tricky though. Those runway changes are frequent and sudden. Thankfully there’s a iPhone app called “OmgevingsInfoSchiphol” that will allow you to see which runway an inbound aircraft is assigned to once it enters Dutch airspace. With this app you get roughly 20 minutes notice so that you can adjust your location if required. That isn’t much to work with driving around an airport of this size, and the notorious Amsterdam traffic.

Some days go smoothly, others make you work for it!

(Click on an image to enlarge)


More photos from Schiphol


Chasing specials in Brussels!